Self-Care Week 2

So now that I've reminded you that you absolutely need renewal and restoration, it's your turn to take action.

I often have to define self-care to my patients to whom this is a new concept. One of the best definitions I've come up with so far: one's awareness of their needs and the actions taken to meet those needs. 

You (yes YOU) are likely sleep deprived. You know it, I know it.

I encourage you to take care of yourself first, and this week start with sleep.

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Andrea YoungComment
7 Weeks of Self-Care

Over the next seven weeks we'll go over a quick way to check in with your self-care habits and provide a simple tune-up tip.  We'll encourage you to do something for you that entire week, adding on each week. We are here to remind you to take care of yourself first.

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Making a commitment to your physical wellbeing thru adequate hydration plus happy healthful and timely eating (avoid the hangry!) is the first step in caring for yourself and making YOU the priority.
Cheers to eating and drinking yourself toward a more self-caring you.

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Andrea YoungComment